Friday, October 27, 2006

art projects!

So I am putting together a collection of art to sell at an art auction in December and I thought that I could post a few pictures of my pieces just in case any of you would be interested in them. I could bring them at Christmas time or give them to my family when I see them at Thanksgiving. I will be making a lot more with different fruits. If you want to request any particular fruit, I can definitely make that happen : )

Each piece is on slate so they are a bit heavy. They are about 1ft x 2ft. That's not exact but I'll measure it later and let you know. It is possible to hang them a few different ways and I will post a link on here if you are interested at all.

I can also do custom charcoal portraits if you want to send me any pictures.

Anyway. That is what I'm up to these days, aside from working and writing music and hiking and making apple pies : )


Thursday, October 26, 2006

aunt celia,
you asked for my address, so here it is!

Whitney Stewart
P.O. Box 162
The Junction
NSW 2291

i love you all!
- whitners

Monday, October 23, 2006

I know! its about time!

Greetings from Pittsburgh, PA!

I have a brief moment and have collected a few pictures to give you an idea of the scenery here!

I'm working at a place called the Union Project. This is the website: . Check it out and it will give you a better idea of what its about than what I can do : ) I live nextdoor to a coffeeshop that 7 of my friends own. Its a wonderful place to live and a city of opportunities. Its going through a rebirth phase reminiscent of Detroit that has begun to dispel a lot of the drug related violence that had been terrorizing these neigborhoods.

At another time, I'll tell you all about some things that I am looking to be a part of here. For now, here's a photo essay of my time here.

This is my roommate, Dani, and I our first week living in Pittsburgh. This is our street corner, right next to the coffee shop.

This is our newest addition to our home. Roger[s] after Mr. Rogers who is from Pittsburgh (and was an amazing man!). This was his first night in our apartment. He was really shy and hid under our couch for over an hour. But now he's hilarious and extremely playful. I normally wake up and he's curled up next to my neck. Sounds cute right? Until he decides that it would be more comfortable to lay on my face!

This is the view of downtown from Kris' window three stories up. He has a fire escape that we sit on and watch the fireworks when the Pittsburgh Pirates win a game. Its always more spectacular than any 4th of july show that I've ever seen.

A group of us went to an apple orchard a few weeks ago. Kris and I climbed the trees and sat on the top and looked at the landscape. It was a perfect day and the area was gorgeous.

I made my first ever apple pie! I promised Grandma that I'd let her know how it turned out and I figured what best way to show than to post a pictures. I gave it to my friend Israel for his birthday. Everyone loved it. I ended up not even getting my own piece. You'll also be proud to know (especially Grandma and Jordan) that we had a popcorn competition that evening and out of 5 contestants, I got first place!

More to come... soon.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

australia pics

hey all!
here are some pictures from australia...i don't know how to do the captions, but i'll firgure it out later... i've gotta go!
love you all!


GO TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GO BLUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, October 16, 2006

I'm Down under!

Hey all!
I've made it to Australia after the grueling 24 hour flight and long shuttle over the Newcastle!!! It's so nice to land somewhere amongst such amazing people. I'm on lunch break and we're just doing a lot of orientation and overview of the contents of the school. I have 3 roomates: one from Germany, Canada, and New Zealand. They're all really sweet and I can't wait to see what God has to do in each of our lives. I love you all and I'll update with pictures soon!
love fron australia,
Whitney Lauren

p.s. nice pictures JD! :)

Saturday, October 14, 2006

New Quarters

So this my new place. This is the front side of the castle. The front side is English and the back was built in a French style.

Me, Kristen, and Nate - I live with Nate (Kristen is his girlfriend who's finishing up her senior year at Gordon). We had a great time at this place! The inside of the castle is unreal. I've got a lot of pictures, so i'll upload them sometime. (It'll be on a different site so i don't flood this site with the pictures.)

Nate and Me I'm actually planning on going back today. Maybe get some more pictures. The inside of the castle is closed for the season, (we went on the last day it was open!)
but i think the outside is open year-round. So first that then Nate, Stu (Nate's brother, he lives with me too), and I are going to go to one of the parks around here. (Park, as in a bunch of paths through the woods. ) Don't know which one yet, but they're all over the place out here so it shouldn't be hard to find one.

JD's New House

Friday, October 13, 2006

Goodbye Whitney!!!!!

A few pictures of times past!

Please promise to check this website and check in with us often! We'll be praying for you!!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Jeff-We need to see some more pictures of your family!

The Schulerts go to the Orchard!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Jordan-We want to see a picture of your place now!

Monday, October 09, 2006

morgan's apartment!!!!

visiting morgan in Pittsburgh!

hey all! here are some photos from visiting morgan in pittsburgh!
the second picture is of morgan's street!
the third is of dad eating a double decker burger at cheescake factory! haha

the fourth is the crew at P.F. Changs for my birthday dinner!
the next is morgan's apartment

Thursday, October 05, 2006

More Fall Pictures from the Farm

This is looking up from the banks of the river to the bluff above the cleared out section.

These trees probably aren't even at the peak of their color. Beautiful - huh?

New Fall Pictures from the Farm

This is a picture of the "Grove" as I like to call it. I borrowed the name from the Schulert's.

This is Tiger and a picture of some weeds.

This was taken on Tuesday night or maybe it was Monday night. Anyway, it almost looks like a tornado, doesn't it?
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