Wednesday, February 28, 2007



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Tim!!!!!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, you all are special. Hard to believe I am 39 years old!?

Wednesday, February 28, 2007 8:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


LOL, I hope you know I was kidding! I am 49.


Friday, March 02, 2007 1:35:00 PM  
Blogger eliza said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Tim!! So sorry we missed it!!! We've been a little preoccupied lately! :) How come Kelley didn't post the manly photo of you at "Don's" party last year? :) I have one ready at my fingertips if you need it!
Hope you had a great day!:)

Monday, March 05, 2007 11:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I must be getting old. I don't remember what photo you would be talking about.

Monday, March 05, 2007 12:28:00 PM  
Blogger eliza said...

Remember, Montanas and the bull and the moose duo? Or whatever those helmets were.

You're not old - Tim's old!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007 8:58:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I do remember that! The year before was even better when he had to wear the fairy costume! Thanks for saying I'm not old! :)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007 10:29:00 PM  

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