Thursday, December 27, 2007


Mom displaying the picture collage of Grandma and Grandpa Barber

One of Mom's gifts from Dad

Cathy and her new clock!

Jordan proudly displays his Oberloier pottery.

Cathy took a walk down Memory Lane with these 2 games that she used to play as a kid.

Allie and her pottery!

I think Jenna likes her Macy's gift card from Grandma!

Justin got the DVD-Singing in the Rain

Jordan just seems so tickled to get a picture of his sisters!

...and Kristin's new pie plate from Oberloiers!

Yummy Christmas Food

Kristin's delicious Chocolate Silk pie.

The yummiest ham ever-with an apricot glaze.

Traditional Christmas Eve Pina Colada Punch (made by Allison Schulert)

Beautiful table displaying the Two Tone Twice Baked Potatoes

Scrumptious Marinated Vegetable Salad

2007 Christmas at Stoney Meadows

Dad and Mike Coston

Kristin and Tim Schulert (he really needs to have Jenna look at those teeth!)

Jordan and Tim Rettger having a great time!

Jenna and Justin

Marilyn Coston and Mom

Tim and Cathy Schulert

We'll Be There for Christmas

Sung to Jeff's family in Texas

We'll Be There for Christmas

In Two thousand eight

We'll just go, we'll miss the snow!

Warm weather will be great!

Christmas Eve will find us-

In the pool and spa

We'll be there for Christmas!

Along with Ma and Pa!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Wow! The big "22"!!! Hope you have a wonderful day! Happy Birthday!


What a slacker I am....after not posting the other birthdays that happened the end of November and beginning of December. So...happy belated birthday to:


Hope your day was special!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Jeff!

This is a video of the family singing "Happy Birthday" to Jeff over the phone.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

More Thanksgiving Pictures

Timmy carves the turkey.

Justin and Whitney (Allie in the background).

Allie and Whitney are amazed at the wonder of mashed potatoes.

Sunny ate the turkey carcass,

Girls, girls....try to contain your excitement!

2007 West Thanksgiving Celebration

Rick and Jordan chillin' before the big feast.

Mom and Morgan

Morgan and Kristin checking out the sales ad for the big shopping day on Friday.

Whitney, Rick and Morgan

Before our prayer of thanksgiving.

We are having a great time at the Schulert's home in Indiana! Stay tuned for more pictures!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


So sorry we missed your birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day! (And GO BLUE!!!!)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Video of State Meet race

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Brendon is going to State!!!

At the Regional Qualifier on April 27 & 28, Brendon qualified with the best time in his region in the 400m with a time of 48.88 seconds. He will compete May 11th, at the University of Texas in Austin.
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