Monday, March 26, 2007

Uncle Gordon & Aunt Stella's 50th Wedding Anniversary

Uncle Gordon & Aunt Stella were honored at their church on Sunday in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary. It was fun to see everyone!
Adam, Lillian & Suzanne


Darren, Blaine, Erica, Becky & Anthony

Sam, Annie, DeAnne, Lara, (David's friend) David & Tyler

Suzanne & Lillian

Alan, Sarah, Lydia & Hannah

Monday, March 19, 2007

Bud & Wanda on their way back to Michigan

You'll have to turn your head on this picture, I was unable to rotate it. Sorry! I just wanted to let you know Bud and Wanda are returning to Michigan. They stopped in Little Rock last night to spend the night and plan on driving to the Schulert's today. They should be in Michigan by Tuesday. The above picture was taken at Marketplatz in Fredericksburg.

At Sea World

During spring break we spent a day at Sea World Adventure Park in San Antonio. The show schedule included Believe with Shamu, Viva had acrobats from land,sea, and air perform w/beluga whales and dolphins, the Cannery Row Caper show with sea lions, an otter and walrus, then we went to The Rockin' Ski Party(Wanda was pretty loud at this show). Brendon and Eric rode some of the rides and went to the Pirates 4D while we went to check out the Clydesdales, dolphins and the shark/coral reef. By the end of the day we were all worn out and ready to head to Chick-fil-A for dinner.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Bud & Wanda

We celebrated Wanda's birthday at the Cotton Gin Restaurant.

Bud and Wanda peeling off wall paper and repainting bathrooms.

Oops! I tried rotating picture, but was unable to.

In this picture they are repairing the gate next to the guest house. It was a beautiful spring day to work outside.

Thursday, March 01, 2007


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